Edius 7/8/9 Full Wedding Project 2020 ll 12 Minutes 9 Song ll 100 % Free Download

1. Vitascene Starterkit 1.0

Vitascene Starterkit 1.0 is a free Edius plugin that is developed by proDAD GmbH. Vitascene Starterkit 1.0 contains over 500 templates that can be used for easy video editing. It can often be difficult to apply various filters to your video in an attempt to achieve the result that you are looking for. With Vitascene Starterkit 1.0, you simply look through the templates until you see the look that you want to give to your video. Vitascene Starterkit 1.0 contains a speedy graphic processing unit, which makes locating and applying templates to video in Edius extremely easy.

2. Heroglyph 2.6

If you like to be creative with your video editing, but Edius does not provide enough tools for you, you may be very interested in Heroglyph 2.6. Heroglyph 2.6 provides advanced video titling techniques, easy photo, video, and text composition, the ability to create multiple visions from various media outlets, and much more. Heroglyph 2.6 is not free, but there is a demo available that you can try out. Heroglyph 2.6 even includes templates that allow you to create both cinema and film trailers. Heroglyph 2.6 contains over 300 templates that can be used to apply multiple video effects to your footage with the touch of a button.

3. Adorage

Adorage is the best special effects plugin for Edius. Special effect packages that can be added onto Adorage include classic specal effects, universal tricks, diamond composites, split screen special effects and eyecatcher FX special effects. Adorage contains special effects that can be used to edit a wide variety of footage, including weddings, documentations, sports, and even regular family movies. Adorage also comes with over 10,000 special effect presets that allow you to create smoke, fog, fires and explosions in your movies.

4. Mercalli

Mercalli is a plugin that is available for many popular nonlinear professional editing programs, including Edius. Mercalli allows you to correct imperfections in your footage. If you were not using a tripod to film your video, your video may contain trembling, jolts or camera shake. Mercalli is capable of removing the effects of those imperfections from your footage. Mercalli can even correct irregular zoom or pan shots. Like Vitascene Starterkit 1.0, Mercalli is developed by proDAD GmbH, although it is not freeware. With many stabilization plugins, you are required to set up custom settings, but that is not required with Mercalli due to its automatic analysis feature.